polyclonal tumor-infiltrating T cells from B16 and MC38 murine tumor models.
CD8_Tex exhausted CD8 T cell CD8_Tpex precursor exhausted CD8 T cell CD8_EffectorMemory Effector Memory CD8 T cell CD8_EarlyActivEarly Activated CD8 T cell CD8_NaiveLikeNaive-like (naive or central memory) CD8 T cell CD4_NaiveLikeNaive-like (naive or central memory) CD4 T cell Tfh follicular-helper CD4 T cell Th1 helper (Th1-like) CD4 T cell Treg regulatory CD4 T cell
Genes [Provide a list of comma-separated genes]
Use the sliders to specify minimum and maximum expression for each gene. The UMAP will show only cells that fit all gene expression ranges